The 6 model atmospheres in MODTRAN® differ most significantly in their temperature profiles, and in their H2O and O3 profiles. The temperature profiles are illustrated in Figure 1. Not surprisingly, the Sub-Arctic Winter Atmosphere has the coolest surface temperature; the Mid-Latitude Winter Atmosphere has the next coolest surface temperature. The Tropical and Mid-Latitude Summer Atmospheres have the warmest surface temperatures. At the tropopause, the temperature of the Tropical Atmosphere is the coolest and the temperature of the Sub-Arctic Summer Atmosphere is the warmest. For all 6 atmospheres, a secondary temperature peak occurs near 50 km; here the Sub-Arctic Summer temperature is the warmest, essentially equal to that of the Mid-Latitude Summer. The Sub-Arctic Winter temperature is the coolest at this altitude. The 1976 U.S. Standard Atmosphere temperature profile provides an effective median for the set of profiles.

Figure 1. Temperature Profiles of the MODTRAN® Model Atmospheres.

Figure 2 contains the density profiles for H2O and O3. Total vertical column amounts for the 12 ambient band model species are listed in Table 1; the CO2 mixing ratio used in creating this table was 380 ppmV. The 6 model atmospheres provide a nice spread of boundary layer and lower tropospheric water densities.

Figure 2. MODTRAN® Model Atmosphere Profiles for H2O and O3. Note there is a break in the altitude vertical scales, at 10 km for H2O and 42 km for O3.
Table 1.
Mol\Atm Tropical Mid Lat Summer Mid Lat Winter Sub Arc Summer Sub Arc Winter US Standard
H2O 5119.4 3635.9 1059.7 2589.4 517.73 1762.3
O3 0.27727 0.33176 0.37681 0.34492 0.3755 0.34356
CO2 305.87 305.13 305.99 303.47 304.21 304.48
CO 0.087663 0.08774 0.090032 0.088048 0.090924 0.088742
CH4 1.3243 1.2684 1.2806 1.2556 1.2719 1.3203
N2O 0.24649 0.23743 0.24037 0.2192 0.23993 0.24593
O2 168230 167820 168290 166910 167320 167460
NH3 0.00016986 0.00017121 0.00018032 0.00017393 0.00018409 0.00017517
NO 0.00031691 0.00032271 0.00030953 0.00032243 0.00030233 0.0003139
NO2 0.00021091 0.00021814 0.00019842 0.00021543 0.00018654 0.00020418
SO2 0.00010799 0.00010838 0.00011245 0.00010928 0.00011391 0.00010997
HNO3 0.00037983 0.00038298 0.00035617 0.00037403 0.00033808 0.00036287